6 Study Strategies to Rock a New Semester

study strategies notebook pen

New semesters are times of rebirth! They are blank slates! They give us the chance to refresh ourselves, to try something new, to be better! Here are six study strategies designed to help us all get back on track with the new semester. This post is officially subtitled “Gabi’s To-Do List for January 22nd.” Just in case you wondered. Schedule any appointments you need ASAP. I personally need to meet…

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New Year’s Resolution: What All Music Majors Should Make

new year resolution music

The new year is almost upon us. Last semester is finally over, and grades have (hopefully) started rolling in. If you didn’t get the grades you wanted this semester, the new year is a great time make a resolution to start new habits. Here are six habits to help your grades grow in 2018! Schedule your study time. Take the time to actually create a schedule, first and foremost. Then,…

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How to Celebrate the End of Finals Week

finals fire burn

Depending on whether or not you’re lucky, finals may be just about over or just beginning. Either way, here’s how to celebrate when they’re FINALLY (ha) over and done with. Light a grill and cook a steak with the notes from that gen-ed class you hate. Ask out the cutie in that one class. Return all of the books you checked out for your papers and revel in the literal…

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How to Finals Prep Like a Pro

finals prep 2017 planner

Finals are approaching. Projects are getting assigned, concerts are drawing near, and cold dark weather is making it harder for anyone to have any motivation. How can a poor college student do any finals prep with all of this going on?? Like this! Organize ALL your deadlines. Post-it notes are your friends here. Get a nice chunk of wall and write a post-it for EVERY DEADLINE OR PROJECT OR PRESENTATION…

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4 Ways to Use Perseverance to Get What You Want

perseverance woman hands

Perseverance is probably one of the most important skills for musicians artists creative people ANYONE to have. And when I call it a skill, I mean it. It’s not a trait. There isn’t a magic switch that makes some people “more perseverant” than others. There’s simply a difference between how people rank their priorities, and how much they’re willing to do to actually make their desires a reality. A more…

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4 Ways to Create a Supportive Environment

supportive environment friends

There’s a connecting thread that runs through all of my experiences in music. Basically, it is MUCH more fun to be a part of a group that’s filled with positivity. However, a lot of musicians, instead of building each other up, become a little catty about people they don’t like. I wrote about this recently, in a post about what NOT to do at rehearsals, and I’ve been noticing the…

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How to Have a Bad Day

So. In the past two hours I have: Forgotten my lunch Gotten so lost that I ended up 45 minutes late for work Destroyed my phone screen, which is partially why I was in fact 45 minutes late for work Got sent to a 7th floor that doesn’t actually exist, thanks random professor dude It hasn’t been a great day so far. It has, in fact, been bad. Bad days…

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How to Change Your Class Schedule After School Starts

schedule class hands paper

Choosing classes is hard. There’s tons of requirements for music majors, and a strict order in which you need to take most classes. Plus, gen eds are a pain in the butt and are sometimes actively painful. (I dunked my face in ice water for thirty seconds for a bio class once and it HURT.) Unless your advisor is a miracle worker, I guarantee that at least once in your…

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How to Shut Down Haters

hater fight people

The thing about being a music major (or any artsy majors) is that haters love to rag on you. There’s something about “unpractical” majors that causes people to think that they have the right to tell you you’re going to Fail horribly Be eternally broke Never succeed at any of your dreams Literally live underneath a bridge and eat mold to sustain yourself. Fortunately, none of that is true. When…

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How to Be a Scholarship Boss

student scholarship studying books

I’m starting a second blog – a real, honest-to-God not-Tumblr blog, about money and saving and getting out of school debt-free. A lot of the content there is going to be similar to this post. Keep an eye out for more information, coming soon! Scholarships are some of those things that no one – NO ONE – ever values enough. A scholarship, no matter how small, is usually going to…

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